This is the only known headstone for my 5th great-grandfather David Miller. You can see it is a later marker placed since the location of David and his wife is unknown. David was born in South Carolina about 1770. He died in Gordon Co., GA between 29 Sep 1852 and 1 Aug 1854. This tombstone is found in
Miller Cemetery (also known as Reeves Cemetery) in Calhoun, GA (Reeves Station area). If you're coming from Hwy 53 on the Reeves Station Rd., you cross the rail road tracks (Reeves Station) and there is a field and then trees. The cemetery is back in the trees on the top of a small hill. I believe this is private property and the "road" to the cemetery is actually a driveway but I'm not sure. You probably want to check before visiting! If anyone knows who placed this newer tombstone, I would like to know. Years ago I was given (electronically) some information about David from another researcher and I have never been able to track the researcher down again and find out where they got their information.
I am a descendent of James W. Miller Sr., son of Dennis and Margaret Pinkard (second wife). My dad and I also went to this cemetary about 10 years ago. He has some info in his family bible. We visited the old homeplace and actually toured the home when we went and asked about it. James Wilson Miller, Jr. was my grandfather.
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