Ah, Edward. My 3rd great-grandfather. Thanks to his early death I actually got somewhere on my genealogy in the early days. He died, and then his wife died. Records galore!
But this post is about his tombstone.
Just from looking at it some of you may already be laughing. If you're not, here's the joke. The 5th TN Mtd. Regt. was a Union regiment. Edward's heirs received a Union pension. I haven't had a chance to chase down the records for the placement of this tombstone but there IS a record for a Union tombstone for Edward (card availble on Ancestry.com, e-mail me for a citation). That card says the Union tombstone was to be placed in "Cool Spring Cemetery, Jasper, Ga." (Cool Springs Baptist Church Cemetery is across the railroad tracks to the west-northwest in Tate, GA). It was contracted for in June 1897, almost 20 years after Edward died. That stone hasn't been seen and I have no documentation for it other than the card viewed on Ancestry.com. That leaves me with a burning question...
Where's Edward's body?
Edward Patterson tombstone in Old Tate Cemetery, Tate, GA, just off Hwy 53, see yesterday's post for a map.
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